Keeping Your Restaurant Busy

As a restaurant owner, there aren't many things more challenging than keeping a steady stream of customers coming in through the front door. Unfortunately, these kinds of challenges can eventually arrest the cash flow of your business, which can cause all kinds of problems in the long run. About three months ago, I decided that it would be a good idea to start focusing more on my own restaurant so that I could improve things. I started small, by changing the way that our team handled a few things, and then eventually worked towards reworking the entire menu. This blog is all about making your restaurant more profitable.

Getting Acclimated To The Ethiopian Restaurant Experience


Ethnic foods are always a great way to have fun when visiting a restaurant and Ethiopian restaurants are becoming highly popular. Anyone interested in trying one out needs to follow these simple guidelines to get used to it quickly and easily.

Typical Ethiopian Foods

Ethiopian food comes in many different unique varieties, including:

  • Injera – a major staple of Ethiopian food, it is a type of tangy flatbread that provides a heavy dose of vitamin and minerals and is used to scoop up other foods
  • Berbere – a spicy blend of chiles, ginger, garlic, cardamom, nutmeg, and many other spices: this flavoring is added to a majority of Ethiopian dishes
  • Wat – a stew made out of red onions, lentils, carrots, potatoes, cabbages, and beef: it comes in many different varieties
  • Tibs – think of this dish as a type "fajita" that uses beef and lamb: often a good beginner option for those trying out Ethiopian food

These dishes are among the most popular and delicious Ethiopian foods on the market. They offer a unique blend of flavors that can be challenging for some palates. As a result, it is is often necessary to try out some at home first.

Trying Some Out At Home

Anyone who is interested in trying Ethiopian dishes can make some injera bread at home to get a feel for the taste of the dishes. A typical injera recipe calls for teff flour (available at most ethic food stores), all-purpose flour, water, salt, and vegetable oil. First the teff flour and all-purpose flour is mixed together in a large mixing bowl at a ration of one-quarter cup to three-quarter cup, respectively.

Then a cup of water is slowly poured into the bowl as the flour is stirred. The batter is then set aside for a day or two to ferment. Once that is done, a pinch of salt is stirred in and the batter cooked like a pancake.

The First Time Ethiopian Restaurant Experience

Eating at an Ethiopian restaurant is a unique experience. A variety of unique African decor, such as art, musical instruments, and small figurines decorate most. Traditional African music often plays during the meal. One thing to expect is the use of "mesabs," which are low and round wicker tables surrounded by stools.

This mirrors the way typical Ethiopians eat in their home country. Food is often served in a large platter, with many types of stews, greens, eggs, and chicken served with each meal. Everyone can share off of one platter or purchase multiple platters to create a diverse and engaging eating experience. Injera is used to scoop up foods for a very "hands-on" experience.

Ethiopian food is gaining in popularity across the nation due to its unique offerings and delicious flavor selections. By understanding what to expect at a typical restaurant and developing a taste for these foods, it is easy to learn to love Ethiopian restaurants.


28 December 2016