Keeping Your Restaurant Busy

As a restaurant owner, there aren't many things more challenging than keeping a steady stream of customers coming in through the front door. Unfortunately, these kinds of challenges can eventually arrest the cash flow of your business, which can cause all kinds of problems in the long run. About three months ago, I decided that it would be a good idea to start focusing more on my own restaurant so that I could improve things. I started small, by changing the way that our team handled a few things, and then eventually worked towards reworking the entire menu. This blog is all about making your restaurant more profitable.

Pizzas You Might See On The Menu At A Real Italian Restaurant


There are many different types of pizzas, with each country having its own styles. When you think of different types of pizza, you may think of different styles, like New York style and Chicago style. These are delicious options, of course, but they are decidedly American styles of pizza. If you dine at an authentic Italian restaurant, you should expect to see some different pizza choices, such as the following.


Margherita pizza is a specific style of pizza that is made with a thin crust, simple tomato sauce (or in some cases, slices of tomato), slices of fresh mozzarella cheese, and basil leaves. This is a style of Neapolitan pizza, which means it is usually made quite small and meant to be enjoyed by one person. The beauty of this pizza lies in its simplicity. Good quality ingredients are typically used, and each one really stands out.


If you enjoy pizza with a thicker crust, then you may want to order the Sicilian. Its crust is more bread-like than that used for the other pizzas on this list. It is typically topped with capers, anchovies, olives, tomato sauce, and mozzarella, although some restaurants do also put sausage on it. Expect a hearty meal with this one; you may want to share.

Quattro Formaggi

Cheese lovers, this is your pizza. It is typically made with a thin and crispy Neapolitan crust, and it's topped with four kinds of cheese. ("Quattro formaggi" means "four cheese" in Italian." The four kinds of cheese are usually mozzarella, Fontina, Parmesan, and gorgonzola. The gorgonzola is a really strong blue cheese, so be prepared for that when you order. It is a lovely contrast to the red sauce, but you do need to enjoy blue cheese to enjoy this pizza.


Diavola may be the most similar to a classic American pizza. It is topped with tomato sauce, cheese, and slices of spicy salami. The spicy salami is similar to pepperoni, but with larger pieces of meat and more character. This pizza can get hot, so it may not be a good choice for anyone with a sensitive palate. However, some salami is hotter than others, so it does not hurt to ask your server how hot the diavola pizza is before ordering.

Now, when you see these pizzas on a menu, you will have a better idea of what they are. Order your favorite, and prepare to enjoy it.


29 April 2020