Keeping Your Restaurant Busy

As a restaurant owner, there aren't many things more challenging than keeping a steady stream of customers coming in through the front door. Unfortunately, these kinds of challenges can eventually arrest the cash flow of your business, which can cause all kinds of problems in the long run. About three months ago, I decided that it would be a good idea to start focusing more on my own restaurant so that I could improve things. I started small, by changing the way that our team handled a few things, and then eventually worked towards reworking the entire menu. This blog is all about making your restaurant more profitable.

Unique Ways to Customize Pizza


When you hear the words "customized pizza," what comes to mind? You might think about customizing your toppings. Some more innovative pizza parlors may allow you to also customize your sauce or crust choice. It's definitely nice to have these options, but they are not the only ways to customize a pizza. If you own a pizza restaurant and want to really impress your customers, here are some other ways you can let them customize their pizzas.

Seasoning Sprinkles

Sprinkling some seasoning on the crust of the pizza, or even over the whole pizza, is a great way to add some flavor. Some pizza shops have their own proprietary seasoning they use for this purpose. But you could go a step further and concoct three or four different seasoning sprinkles. One could be a simple mixture of garlic and Parmesan cheese. Another could be an herb mix of thyme, oregano, and sea salt. Let your customers choose which sprinkle seasoning you add to their pizza. It can really transform the flavor.

Different Shapes

This one is more for fun than for flavor, but kids love it. Have your pizza makers experiment with different shapes. Shapes that are fairly easy to make include hearts, footballs, and triangles. You can let each customer choose their pizza shape. Many will probably still go with the classic round pizza, but the ones who like the shaped pizzas will get really excited about them.

Crust Dipping Sauces

Although you won't be making actual changes to the pizza itself, this can be a fun customization option. You can give your customers their choice of dipping sauces. Let them each choose one to have included with their pizza. Cheese sauce, blue cheese dressing, barbecue sauce, various hot sauces — they are all great for dipping pizza sauces in.

Cheese Options

Finally, consider letting your customers pick their cheese. You don't even have to offer a lot of options in order for this one to be great. If you let customers choose between mozzarella, provolone, and mild cheddar, they'll be delighted to have the options. Most people have a favorite cheese, and being able to order it on their pizza will delight them.

There are lots of great ways to let your customers customize their pizza, but the ideas above are good ones to start with. You'll find that the more control customers have over their pizza order, the happier they are with the product.

To learn more, contact a company like Scittino's Italian Market Place.


25 May 2021