Keeping Your Restaurant Busy

As a restaurant owner, there aren't many things more challenging than keeping a steady stream of customers coming in through the front door. Unfortunately, these kinds of challenges can eventually arrest the cash flow of your business, which can cause all kinds of problems in the long run. About three months ago, I decided that it would be a good idea to start focusing more on my own restaurant so that I could improve things. I started small, by changing the way that our team handled a few things, and then eventually worked towards reworking the entire menu. This blog is all about making your restaurant more profitable.

Five Favorites You Can Try at Many Waterfront Seafood Restaurants


If you are hungry for seafood and want to dine in a scenic and relaxing atmosphere, you can visit a waterfront seafood restaurant for a great meal. You may get a table with a view so that you can look at the beautiful maritime scenery while you enjoy your waterfront seafood experience. When you dine at one of these restaurants, you might get the chance to order any of these classic favorites. 

1. A Classic Fish Dish

Any waterfront seafood restaurant that you go to will offer different fish options as a main course. Whether you're in the mood for some sockeye salmon or rainbow trout, you can find fish meals that are prepared in different ways and served with sides like baked potatoes, steamed asparagus, and coleslaw. Halibut or cod can be baked, fried, or pan-seared and be the perfect choice for your seafood main course. 

2. Crab Cakes

Crab cakes can be eaten as an appetizer or a main course, and these seafood fan favorites are often prepared in different ways. Crab cakes may be fried in a skillet with butter along with some lemon juice and red pepper flakes for seasoning. These tasty edibles can also be baked with mustard powder, pepper, and parsley to enhance the flavor. The waterfront seafood establishment where you dine may additionally let you choose from different dipping sauces, such as chipotle mayonnaise or horseradish cream.  

3. Fried Calamari 

If you're a fan of squid, you can order fried calamari at many waterfront seafood restaurants. Fried calamari is often offered as an appetizer and served with chili cheese or buffalo sauce. You can also order some fried calamari as a side dish to accompany your main course. 

4. Shrimp

Whether you want shrimp as an appetizer or part of your main course, this seafood favorite is a staple at all waterfront seafood restaurants. Whether you enjoy eating fried shrimp or a roasted shrimp cocktail, your chosen seafood restaurant may off shrimp that's prepared in different ways. Some waterfront seafood restaurants even have shrimp pasta on their menus.

5. Oysters

Oysters can make almost any seafood meal more appetizing, and some restaurants offer them cooked while other establishments may serve them raw. If the oysters are cooked, they may be fried, roasted, or grilled and served with a cocktail dipping sauce. Fries, garlic bread, and baked beans are among the best side dishes for oysters that your chosen seafood restaurant might serve.

You can capture the essence of seafood dining better by enjoying a meal at a restaurant that offers you a view of the water. Dining at a waterfront seafood restaurant can be the perfect way to spend your afternoon or evening if all your favorite seafood options are featured on the menu. Stop by a restaurant like scomas restaurant to try some seafood today.


3 February 2022