Keeping Your Restaurant Busy

As a restaurant owner, there aren't many things more challenging than keeping a steady stream of customers coming in through the front door. Unfortunately, these kinds of challenges can eventually arrest the cash flow of your business, which can cause all kinds of problems in the long run. About three months ago, I decided that it would be a good idea to start focusing more on my own restaurant so that I could improve things. I started small, by changing the way that our team handled a few things, and then eventually worked towards reworking the entire menu. This blog is all about making your restaurant more profitable.

Tips For Using A Catering Service When Hosting A Child's Birthday Party


If your child has an upcoming birthday, you could be thinking about hosting a great birthday party for them. If this is the case, one thing you might be thinking about is the kind of food that you will serve to your child and all of their friends and family members. If you're thinking about working with a catering service, these are a few tips that can help you when you're in the process of planning your child's birthday party.

Understand the Benefits of Using a Catering Service

You might have never thought about hiring a catering service to cater for a child's birthday party, but doing so can be a great idea. This can be a good way to provide good food for your guests. You may even find that it will be more affordable than buying all of the food yourself.

Choose Kid-Friendly Foods

When you think of catering companies, you might think about companies that sell fancy gourmet foods. However, there are plenty of catering companies that sell food that you might consider as being kid-friendly. For example, you might be able to find a catering company that sells chicken tenders, pizza, or other things. They may also offer fruit trays, vegetables with ranch dressing for dipping, and more. You can call a few catering companies and ask about their menus until you find the right food for your child's party.

Find Out How Many People Will Be Attending

It's a good idea to send out invitations well in advance of the party. Ask potential guests about whether or not they will be attending the party. You will need to tell the catering company how many people will be attending the party. You may want to let them know how many of the people are children and how many are adults. Then, you can make sure there is the right amount of food for the party, and you can get an accurate quote for the cost of catering, too.

Let Them Take Care of Everything

You'll probably want to spend your time enjoying the party, helping your child have a good time, and watching over the kids. Because of this, you should consider using a full-service catering company that will handle everything, including bringing the food, setting everything up, plating or serving the guests, and more. Additionally, you may want to choose a catering service that will supply plates, cups, silverware, and more. Then, you won't have anything to worry about, and you can make sure that things go smoothly. 


2 March 2023